APAN associations across the nation have rolled out a new brand to assure the industry of their sustained presence, dedication, and ongoing mission to work together in supporting the Graphic Communications Industry.
APAN comprises print and graphic associations in the US and Canada working together to bring industry awareness and support to the print and graphics manufacturers and suppliers to the industry.
APAN is also in partnership with three additional Associations in Canada, serving over 5000 members and representing all aspects of print manufacturing.
APAN – a powerful collaboration dedicated to supporting the Printing industry through such influential programs as:
National Wage and Benefit Survey
PrintAccess - online buyers listing/guide for members
Printing Industry Performance Reports and Insights (PIPI)
Sales Compensation Survey
Focus and Peer Groups
Insurance, Supplies, Equipment Discount Buying Power Programs
Americas Print Awards - Excellence In Print National Awards
Local, State, and National Government Representation
Workforce Development, Continuing Education programs … and More!
APAN is comprised of:
Print Media Association (PMA)
Graphic Arts Association (GAA)
Graphic Media Alliance (GMA)
Great Lakes Graphics Association (GLGA)
Printing & Graphics Association MidAtlantic (PGAMA)
Printing & Imaging Association of Georgia (PIAG)
Printing & Imaging Association of MidAmerica (PIAMidAmerica)
Printing Industries of New England (PINE)
Printing Industries Association of San Diego (PIASD)
Printing Industries Alliance (PIAlliance)
Printing Industries of Southern California (PIASC)
Printing Industry Association of the South, Inc. (PIAS)
Printing Industry Midwest (PIM)
Printing Industry of the Carolinas (PICA)
Visual Media Alliance (VMA)